Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Three

Happy Monday! Write your daily journal about today's field expierence


  1. I got up this morning and was super ready to get to Midway Elementary School. When I got to the school this morning it seemed as if everybody was having a bad day. This morning instead of Mrs. Hayes having to go get the students test; all the teachers were in Mrs. Hayes’s room. Like every other day now I took the breakfast and the lunch count. This morning the students did not want to pay attention so I had to redo the lunch count. After I took the lunch count Mrs. Hayes sent me on two errands. She asked me to go to the fifth grade hallway and ask Mrs. Davis and another teacher if they would allow three of their students to report to her class at 10:45. The students would be reading a paper at the parade around the school. Unfortunately I have to leave before the parade so I wouldn’t be able to participate. Once I got back to Mrs. Hayes’s classroom I could tell that it was going to be an interesting morning. While the students were eating, Collin dropped his muffin, and spilled his milk all over the desk and the floor. Once everyone finished eating and got settled Mrs. Hayes passed out their state test. While they were working on their test I graded two different sets of papers. After I finished grading the papers it was about time to leave so I told Mrs. Hayes and her class bye and headed to North Central.

  2. Today is basically the same as yesterday. I wasn’t able to be with my second graders because they are doing testing. So I went into fourth grade and helped Mrs. Young, since Mrs. Newman hasn’t come back yet. When I walked in, the kids yelled out “Hey Miss Amanda” and my heart melted because they remembered me after one day. They were doing their “morning work” and I had to walk around and help them on writing a sentence correct. After they did their morning worksheet and read for about five minutes we had to line up for their related arts which was P.E. I walked them to the gym and waited on the substitute P.E. teacher told the kids what they were going to do. She told me that she didn’t know what to make them do because the teacher didn’t leave anything for them. So she made them walk a lap, then run a lap for about 10 minutes. They were then told to sit in a circle and wait for further instruction. She said they could play basketball and asked them how they wanted to play; girls verse boys or what. She finally decided to make it girls on one side of the court and boys on the other. She numbered off the girls then numbered off the boys. They started playing and me and her started talking. I found out that she is an undergraduate of Clemson and is now at USC. One of my fourth graders are special and she started crying, we don’t know why but I felt so sorry and I wanted to do something to help. That was pretty much my day. I, once again, hated to leave.

  3. Today was a pretty good day. The middle school does the usual Monday routine, where they all do the Pledge of Allegiance together in the gym and announcements. Since today is Veteran's Day, they did a little program telling about who all in the school served in the military and who they represented. Mr. Leininger represented the army. As I walked in to class I was immediatly greeted by some of the students who told said "Hey Mr. Love"! This was pretty cool and I felt like an actual teacher. Once class officially started, Mr. Leininger told them to clear their desks because they had a quiz on the recent notes. It took about 15 minutes for them to finish. After all the quizzes were collected, Mr. Leininger moved on to give them their preamble activity. They have to remember the preamble word for word for a grade. He told them that this shouldnt be hard and told them to remember it like it was song lyrics. I handed out a worksheet that helped them understand the true meaning of the preamble and how to remember it. They finished off class with continuing notes from last Friday.

  4. Today is my third day in placement and I was in my actual class today. First off I started my day by signing in the front office and then signing in with Mrs. McCaskill. Then I helped Mrs. McCaskill get together the second grade class craft together. Since Sunday was Veterans Day, she decided to have them make a wreath with red, white and blue stars on them. Then I put the number, picture and fiction books away. Then Kindergarten came in and they were awful. While they sat on the rug Mrs. McCaskill read them the book “Little Bears Thanksgiving.” Mrs. McCaskill handled them very well. She is very good at keeping control of the classroom. While she read to them I took a couple pictures and they turned out awesome. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store.

  5. Today class started with reading and taking AR Tests as it usually would. The kids were quieter than they usually are probably because today is Monday. While the students were taking their tests and reading, Mrs. Sowell sent me to the teachers’ lounge to run off copies for the writing lesson. When I returned back to class Mrs. Sowell told the students that they were getting ready to take the writing portion of the PASS test, something that they didn’t have to do their previous years of elementary school. To get the students prepared for the writing part of PASS which they will be taking on Wednesday, Mrs. Sowell had the papers that I ran off passed out so that the students could start practicing their writing. Their writing prompt was “If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?” Mrs. Sowell went over the “writing rules,” to stay on topic, and when you are beginning to write put the question that you are being asked into your writing; Mrs. Sowell also told them that they should write enough so that there are no unanswered questions when the reader gets done reading. The students weren’t too enthused about having to write at least three paragraphs to fully describe their animal and tell why they would want to be that animal. While they were working on their writing prompt Mrs. Sowell and I talked about when I actually wanted to teach my lesson. We both came to an agreement and decided that I teach on December 5th and December 12th. After we decided I went and ran an errand for Mrs. Sowell, when I got back it was time for me to go. After I signed out, I met back up with Murshay and we headed to our cars. We arrived to North Central late because she left her keys in her car, and had to wait on her mom to come unlock her car.

  6. Today in my placement the students broke out of their groups and started working by themselves. They had to go through the notes they took in groups and take all that knowledge and fill out charts Mrs. Kahler made for them. The students did terrific yesterday. They behaved so well. Mrs. Kahler even made the comment that it was the best lesson she ever had. It was a very good day and a lot of work got done. I was so proud, and I also walked around and helped everyone. I love when they ask me questions. It makes me feel really important whenever they ask me questions. I couldn’t believe how good they did especially because it is Monday. I hope it stays this way and I’m so excited to see what will happen next in Mrs. Kahler’s 8th grade English class. The students are so sweet and I’m so happy they are nice and very polite. I’m also ready to see what lesson we do next. I think we are going to read more Edgar Allan Poe, which I’m thrilled about because I love reading his stories. They’re so spooky and exciting. Mrs. Kahler is also awesome, and I love watching her interact with students. They love her so much and they really look up to her. Every morning they want to talk to her and make jokes together. It’s sweet! Mrs. Kahler is an excellent teacher and does a very good job teaching. I hope to be like her whenever I become a teacher. I’m happy I get to watch how she does things and learn from her.

  7. Today in my placement Mrs. Farnum switched things up a bit, she decided to start the morning after journal time with math so I'd have something to be able to help them with. As they came to class from breakfast and were writing in their journals I again worked with the kids who haven't finished going through all their popcorn words. While I was waiting on more kids to come in Mrs. Farnum had me to take out all the black and yellow construction paper that she had for a project they'd be doing after their accelerated math. It was cool, they made flip books about the phases of the moon to go along with their moon journal project. I even got to make the example which I thought was pretty cool they were using what I made to guide them in making their own. I had fun helping them with their math too even though since its first grade its simple things right now like does 17-8=9. I love going to my placement every day, they make my morning!

  8. Today I came into class bright and early; I wasn’t feeling to well because I had gotten up late but everything eventually got better. The moment my students walked in I could tell it was going to be a good day. Everyone is all so cheerful and happy to be there that you have to be a scrooge not to participate in the splendor. When the tardy bell rang everyone got into their seats, no moaning waling or pushing involved. They are such good children for them to be sixth graders. The teacher got started on the lesson and we began our work, energy was the topic today. I found the lesson to be very interesting considering once I heard it I remembered back to when I was in sixth grade sitting where my kids now sat. It was kind of a touchy moment but then I snapped back into reality and focused on the task at hand. Towards the middle of class I got up and started walking around the room assisting both the teacher and the students as needed. It was a real joy to be a big part of a classroom outside of being a student. It feels almost like your making a change or a difference on these kids life by setting an example of how, why and when you should do things. After they got done with the worksheets class was over and they proceeded to change classes. I then made a movement to leave and lastly I thought to myself about my next couple of classes and proclaimed until tomorrow I wait for the next class to come and the activities I will be a part of next.

  9. Before class even started today one student had a behavior issue. He was talking back to Mrs. Ingram and she said “If you want to be a punk, get out of my class otherwise hush” and he proceeded to walk out of the class. Mrs. Ingram called the officer and had him come talk to the boy and after that he behaved. When class finally began, they started with their usual CNN Student news and I had to pass out a paper for the new week. Once the news show was over I handed out their next assignment which was a foldable. In order to keep things nice, neat and organized Mrs. Ingram had these already printed out so all the kids had to do was fold the thing and fill in the missing information. The purpose for doing this was to help get their minds focused on the information that would be on their quiz the next day. Mrs. Ingram then had me decorate the bulletin board for the seventh grade hallway and then my day was over!

  10. Today I walked in to class and at the beginning I talked with Mrs. Joyner about what they were doing today. Next, like every morning I walk over and count five students' ram bucks and write it down. After class began Mrs. Joyner gave me a list of multiple words on it. Words from pre-primer, primer, and then first grade. I went over these words one by one with the students and the ones they did not know I sounded them out with them. I only had time for a few but I plan to do it everyday. When it was time for me to go all of the students said bye. Since I didn't have that class in Camden today I went back to Mt. Pisgah. When I got there the students were making Indian vest with the bags that I brought them. All the students were very excited and wanted me to help them. Once they were done with all of their work I bonded with the students and asked them what they like. All of them were so talkative. Overall I believe this was my favorite day so far in my placement.
