Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day Six

Post about your sixth day of Teacher Cadet field expierence.


  1. Day Six
    Today was a great day in Mrs. Kahler’s class. I was so happy to see the student’s smiling faces again. They are terrific. They’re so sweet and I love spending time with each of them. Today it was pouring down rain, so of course I had to walk in the cold with rain drowning me and that did kind of make me mad, but I didn’t let it ruin my day. I got inside and tried to warm up a little bit and signed in the front office. I love signing in the sweet lady greets me every morning, and she is always so happy. It makes my day better seeing her. After signing in I walk to Mrs. Kahler’s class and today we pretty much did the same thing as yesterday. We watched the news show, did a warm-up on spelling, and then continued reading “Black Cat”. It was a very interesting story. It really interested me and the students as well. After they would hear gruesome parts in the story we would all stop and discuss what’s going on. It was a very good day and I’m happy we finished the story. The “Black Cat” is very petrifying. It has so much suspicion in it. I love reading it with the class and having discussions

  2. It was my sixth day at Midway Elementary. This morning was off to a good start. When I got to the school I signed in at the front office and went to the classroom. Well to begin my day I went to the library with Madison and got a cart for Mrs. Hayes, and Mrs. Davis. After that I went into the hallway with Mrs. Hayes to watch the kids while they read. Once they read for a little while, the students came into the classroom. When they came into the classroom they got their breakfast and I marked them off the list. After they got their breakfast I took the lunch count for the day. Today I took some pictures of the students while they were doing their exercises. I also took some pictures of me working with the students and helping them cut out their hands for the Christmas tree were going to make at a later date. After the kids did their exercises they wrote in their journals their story for the day. While they were doing that I stapled their test together that they were fixing to take. Once the test began a few of the students came over to me and helped cut out hands and then went back to their test when they were finished. Today was a good day


  3. Today when I pulled up to the school there were cars everywhere, I thought to myself what in the world is going on? I went to the office and signed in, before I could put my pen down a teacher grabbed me and asked me was I one of the teacher cadets and who was I interning? I relied yes ma’am and told her that I was in Robin Sowell’s class. She quickly went through the hallway and asked Mrs. Sowell could I help her. After a while I finally figured out what I was supposed to be helping her with. She wanted me to go down to the multipurpose room to help some of the other teacher with the “Donuts for Dad’s” thing they were having. They had cafeteria tables in the multipurpose room and dads and their daughter, son, or both was sitting down eating donuts and drinking coffee, water or either orange juice. My job was to go around mingle with the dads and their kids, and ask them to fill out a slip of paper describing their morning experience eating donuts with their child. Most of them had already had one and the ones that didn’t kindly filled out the slip of paper. BDK had a good turn out and had a lot of donuts left over I wish they would have let me bring some of them back to North Central with me. After the crowd left I stayed around for a few minutes just to help straighten the lunch tables up and collect pencils that had been left on the tables. After that was all over with I was ready to head to Mrs. Sowell’s room to go see my students. When I got there they all greeted me with smiles, they had already started their morning routine with the reading and the AR Test. Mrs. Sowell allowed the students more time to read and take AR Test because not many of them had met their weekly reading goal. Tomorrow is book character day where they have to dress up like a character in their favorite book. While they were taking their AR Test’s Mrs. Sowell called them up to ask what book they are going to use so that she could approve it. Some of the boys were baseball players, and the girls were “teenage girls.” By the time this was over with it was time for me to head back to North Central, I can’t wait to go back tomorrow to see how awesome they’ll look.

  4. Today I arrived at Mt. Pisgah and I went straight to Mrs. Joyner's room and the lights were off. I knew she was on breakfast duty again so i turned the lights on and had a seat. I looked around for sticky notes so I could do my daily routine of counting the ram bucks and writing down how much but I could not find them anywhere. I was in class for about five minutes before the students and Mrs. Joyner walked in. I was sitting in my seat in front of the classroom and when the kids walked by most of them hugged me, this was the first time they ever did this. The warm up was adding and writing two sentences with the words given on the sheet. When the students were done with this I walked around and checked them and corrected them. Only two students had not finished the sheet so I sat them with each of them separately. The next activity involved their spelling words and they were given a Thanksgiving picture to color. One of the students, Caroline, got aggravated and ripped her's in half but when we asked her why all she would say is she was aggravated. Mrs. Joyner said it was not the first time. While the students were doing these worksheets, Mrs. Joyner assigned a group to me and had them read a story to me. I enjoyed it and i made them take turns reading. Overall today was a great day besides my car leaking from the rain and my khakis getting wet.

  5. Today is Thursday and it is my sixth day in my placement. I was in Mrs. River’s class today. I got in my classroom before my kids so that gave me a chance to talk to Mrs. River’s. Today I had to start participating with the kids. They didn’t do their Math journals today. They did do their Math and sentence warm-ups though. I helped some kids that were having trouble with their Math warm-ups. The kids that got above and beyond their AR book levels got new books. They got the newest Wimpy Kid book. They fell in love with it and while they waited on everyone to get done with their warm-ups they started it. After that Mrs. Rivers checked their homework and clamped there index cards if they had their homework. Then the class checked their warm-ups and then they went over their homework. After that we played a game. It was the first time they ever played this game as well as me. So Mrs. Rivers went over the directions and broke everyone up into groups of two and one group of three. I walked around and helped kids play and if they needed my help I helped them. It was directed to help them with their division. I loved working with the kids; I made me feel like I was making a difference. I can’t wait to go back tomorrow.

  6. I didn't get to go to my placement today. :( I had Junior Leadership and it was visit the schools day. I missed them today though and can't wait to go tomorrow.

  7. Today, when I arrived to the class I waited on the students to arrive. As soon as the children got to the classroom they unpacked there book bags and then put up there lunch cards. Right after their lunch cards the students where reading AR books. Then like always the little boy Branson came up to me and asked could he read to me and I let him. After that he took a test and then checked out another book while Emily was reading a book to me. Then after that I was helping everybody pick out a good book. After AR reading Mrs. Mason called them to the floor with their reading books to review for the test tomorrow for vocabulary and the story about Michael Jordon. As the class got done with the reading book Mrs. Mason but them in sections for each section to do something different then rotate. Then I went around to people and see if they needed help on what they was doing. One group had to write some ideas on if they was a turkey why would they don’t want the humans to eat them. Another group went to the computer and did a word game. Another group had to write on a chalk board.

  8. Today was kind of a cool day, it all started with the students coming in and setting up the chairs. This one boy named john found the kindness in his heart to take the other chairs out for everyone else. And since no one else was in the room he managed to do it before anyone got there. It was a sight to be seen. Then Mrs. Lesher and the rest of the kids came in and talked about the chairs and then proceeded to the roll and getting ready for the lesson. We started out by going over homework and reviewing the study guide. It was so exciting when Mrs. Lesher said that i could help the students go over the study guide. I was a bit nervous because this was my first time ever speaking in front of the class on an assignment. Well i started and it turned out great, once i got the hang of it everything fell into place. I started asking for volunteers and having a good time. It was a great experience to see things from the other side of the classrooms perspectives. After i got done it was time to leave so i left with great anticipation for another day.

  9. Thursday was a pretty great day. I walked in and greeted everyone and they greeted me. I asked Mr. Leininger if there was anything I could do for him and he told me that today was going to be a kind of chill day. He checked up on everyone about the things they were supposed to bring in for the box to give to a child in a third world country and everyone came through. We even had some people bring in extra. A girl in the class, Olivia, even made four of her own boxes to give which is really nice and thoughtful of her. The students did their daily routine of taking the facts down. After they finished, Mr. Leininger divided the class into teams and made a game up. It was a speed and knowledge game. He would give a hint of a vocabulary word on the board and the chosen student would have to write it the fastest to win a point for their team. It was funny seeing them up there because we played this game so many times in middle school and it brought back memories. After they finished they followed the notes from the previous day and continued on about Noah Webster. They eventually talked about the new words being added to the dictionary such as tweet, sexting, f-bomb, etc. It was a great day in Mr. Leininger's classroom.

  10. Once again the class started off like normal. Morning meeting was interesting. The kids didn’t want to sit still with their hands to themselves. Kayden has got to where she wants to sit next to me when they do their “Morning Meeting” which doesn’t bother me. Shelia, another girl in my class, tell me a “secret” everyday about what she did at home the day before. A couple of my kids were out so I had to do their “Moring Language Arts and Math” worksheet. I completed the worksheets before anyone and started on another one, I didn’t know that a couple of my kids were copying my paper, so I had to get up and move to another desk. Since yesterday was spelling practice, today they had to take their “Practice Test”. After the kids did their practice test, they were allowed to do three things, color, draw, or read with me. I was disappointed when none of my kids wanted to read with me. The timer went off and that meant the kids were about to start something else. I didn’t get to do anything else because I had to leave for class back at North Central.

  11. Today I was not able to go to my placement because I am a part of Junior Leadership and we had to visit the schools. I'm disappointed I won't be with the kids and Mrs. Ingram today, but I'm looking forward to seeing them all tomorrow! :)
