Friday, January 4, 2013

Day 28

Welcome back!


  1. I am extremely glad to be back to my schedule with the kids. I missed them more than words can explain. When I walked into class this morning the kids were working on a snowman that they were supposed to color and then glue all the pieces to it and the cardstock. Once they were done gluing, they handed me their pages so I could cut them out while the Mrs. Catoe and the kids were doing Morning Meeting on the carpet. Keri had come in at the beginning of class and asked me if she could take pictures for our portfolio project, so I asked Mrs. Catoe if that was okay. After Morning Meeting, we took the kids out into the hall for a group picture. Then they went back in and Mrs. Catoe called them out one by one so they could take individual pictures in front of the tree. When we finished the pictures we started reading time on the carpet. Mrs. Catoe read a book called The Mitten and she told the kids that they would be doing activities related to the book for the next two days. The first activity they had to do was color a big mitten and then cut both pieces of the mitten out and glue it together. Then they had color little animals that were in the story and cut them out. They were going to use the mitten and the animals to retell the story. Before they got finished it was time for me to leave, I didn’t want to though, as usual.

  2. Day 28
    Today in my placement the guidance counselor came in to talk to the students about their future, so I finished grading their papers. We didn’t do much, and they just listened to what Mr. Smith had to say. It was a laid back day, and it was good, because they have been gone for so long. Today everyone was just very tired. I’m ready for tomorrow to finish up these character analysis papers. The guidance counselor gave the students very good advice and even I was listening taking in what he had to say. It was very interesting and he talked about how the real world was. He pretty much just gave them a reality check on how much stuff really cost and about loans and everything. He also stressed how important education is. It was great to see someone care so much about children’s future and education.

  3. Today is January 3, 2013 and my 28th day at Midway Elementary School. When I got to Midway I signed in as usual and headed to Mrs. Hayes’s classroom. When I got to her class this morning all the kids were extremely quiet, and looked very tired. The kids all came into the room and I took the breakfast and lunch count. I then found out that on December 19th, 2012 the teachers were told to take everything out of the students desk and put it on the counter. So this morning I was going through a million different books, workbooks, notebooks, folders, pencil cases trying to get all the belongings back to the right person. Once everything was passed back out the news show was already off and the kids began to do their morning exercise. After the morning exercise the students were told to write in their journals about their Christmas break. I then began to call two students at a time back to my table to write down their New Year’s resolution. After every student got their resolutions they were told to copy them on to either a hat or a whistle and decorate them so they could be hung on the bulletin board. After that I graded three sets of papers that I will have to put into the grade book tomorrow. Once the papers were graded I went into the hallway and took down the stuff that was already on the bulletin board. Finally it was time to go so I signed out and headed to North Central.

  4. Today was my twenty eight day in my placement. Instead of going to fifth grade today I went and watched 2nd grade do their morning warm-ups and then we took a class picture. Then I took every single kids individual picture. I had a blast with my kids, they are amazing. Then after I got done with taking my kids pictures I went to the library and observed Mrs. McCaskill tutor first graders in reading. It was very different watching someone tutor kids. They had to learn everything slower and different. But I enjoyed it very much and I can’t wait to go tomorrow, although I am going to be super sad. I don’t want this class to end.

  5. I was really excited to get to see my kids today, and I can't believe tomorrow is my last day. They were all happy and excited from being on Christmas break and getting to see each other again. They were all excited to tell their stories about what'd they done and what had happened to them. A good bit of them had lost teeth so we got to add to the teeth chart. It was time to be back on school schedule though, most of them wrote in their journals about what they'd done and gotten over break. I worked on popcorn words as usual but no one had really studied over break, which I had expected. The morning show came on and they watched that as normal too. After all of that it was accelerated math time and they did it but it was a little slower from them being on break. They had to get use to being back at school from break again. The math took up most of the time I was there with them today. By the time everyone was all done it was time for me to go and time for them to go to related arts class.

  6. I go to see my kids again after two weeks of peace and quiet, don't get me wrong i enjoy being around my students but i enjoy having my peace and quiet much more. I knew today would be either one of those really sleepy days for my kids or one of the really rowdy days. To much displeasure it was the last one. My kids were off the walls with things. The teacher kept having to stop and hush people start again and then stop to hush more students. I was highly against coming back these next two days because i knew it would be chaotic and not worth the time because nothing could be really taught now could it. What could they possibly learn in two days right after the longest break in the school year besides summer? I was just a little annoyed but when class was over i began to feel a little happier because i knew tomorrow would be my last day. Its defiantly a bitter-sweet victory.

  7. Today was our first day back in our placement since before Christmas break and I thought that today would be horrible and the kids would not behave at all. Surprisingly the kids actually behaved very well. Just like every day I sharpened every student’s pencils and gave them time to do their warm up sheet. The desks are back now and the tables are gone so each student has their own desk. After finishing their warm up sheet Mrs. Joyner called all of them to the rug to tell them there Christmas stories and what they got while I checked all of their papers. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote the names of the kids who did not finish and there were only three so we sent them back to their desk and made them work on it. After checking all the sheets I sat around them and listened as well and then Mrs. Joyner had to go to the office to call her daughter since she is pregnant. So Miss Moore stayed in the room with me and told the kids about her Christmas and when Mrs. Joyner got back it was time for me to go. So I told all of the kids that tomorrow is my last day and said I would see them then.

  8. Today is January 3, 2013 and my 28th day at Midway Elementary School. When I got to Midway I signed in as usual and headed to Mrs. Hayes’s classroom. When I got to her class this morning all the kids were extremely quiet, and looked very tired. The kids all came into the room and I took the breakfast and lunch count. I then found out that on December 19th, 2012 the teachers were told to take everything out of the students desk and put it on the counter. So this morning I was going through a million different books, workbooks, notebooks, folders, pencil cases trying to get all the belongings back to the right person. Once everything was passed back out the news show was already off and the kids began to do their morning exercise. After the morning exercise the students were told to write in their journals about their Christmas break. I then began to call two students at a time back to my table to write down their New Year’s resolution. After every student got their resolutions they were told to copy them on to either a hat or a whistle and decorate them so they could be hung on the bulletin board. After that I graded three sets of papers that I will have to put into the grade book tomorrow. Once the papers were graded I went into the hallway and took down the stuff that was already on the bulletin board. Finally it was time to go so I signed out and headed to North Central.
