Monday, September 10, 2012

Special Education

Today started like any other day. We did our 10 minutes of reading and our "Pot Notes." After our pot notes, we started going over a Power Point about the laws and different catogorties that deal with Specail Education. We learned about self-contained and inclusion classrooms. The difference between those classrooms are students in a self-contained class get little or no exposure to other classrooms because their disability is more severe compared to an inclusion student who is exposed to the regular classroom enviroment most of their day. I personally enjoy learning about Special Education. I have people in my family that have some sort of learning disability, so I am always around it. I can't wait to dig deeper in the lesson so I can understand Special Education better.


  1. I enjoyed this lesson today and learned so much and all my questions were answered. Teacher cadet keeps getting better and better!

  2. I agree with Brandon. I wasn't 100% sure what this class was going to turn out like, but i have to say i LOVE teacher cadet!

  3. There was sooo much information to learn that I never knew about!
