Friday, September 7, 2012

Disability Day

Today in Teacher Cadet we got to actually experience special education first hand. Mrs. Sutusky planned for us to have a "play day." We did activities to help us better understand what special needs students go through every day. Mrs. Sutusky set up several different stations, and each station had challenges that we had to go through. In the first station we had to get in a wheel chair and roll around the hall way. We also had to go in the bathroom and actually get in a stall. In station two, we had to get on crutches, walk around the Annex, and open a door. It was extremely hard to open the door when you can only use your hands while sitting down. In station three, we listened to static while your partner talked to you. I could not understand anything Courtney was saying to me. Then, in station four we had to put marshmallows in our mouth and try talk and see if our partner could understand us. In station five, we had to put on glasses with Chap Stick on them and try to put peanut butter and crackers. I couldn’t see anything through those glasses. It gave me a better understanding of what students with visual impairments go through. In station six we had to wrap our dominant arm to our body and pack and unpack a book bag. I loved these activates because it really demonstrated to me what special needs students go through on a daily basis. I finally figured out what it is like to be mentally disabled and not be able to do what I want. We had a great day in the class and I love special education.









Several pictures of the Teacher Cadets at each special education station

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