Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Party!

Class started a little different this morning. After the announcements, we began SSR, unfortunately we didn't get a chance to do our pot notes. Since today is Halloween the teacher cadet students brought in chips, drinks, sweets and other goodies, we had our own little party. While we were enjoying the party some students were in the process of completing their lesson plans that are due Thursday, other students were working on their Lifeline projects.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lesson Plans Cont.

Today we first had SSR and then did pot notes. After that we worked on lesson plans. Everybody was working great and are trying to fhinsh their lesson plans. We have been working on lesson plans for a couple days and everybody has made good progress. The class was very quite and working hard. Mrs. Sutusky was out again today and the class misses her so much. We are glad she is coming back tomorrow.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Lesson Plans & Lifelines

Mrs. Sutusky is still at her Teacher Cadet conference so we had another substitute. We worked on our lesson plans and our lifeline projects and we also were able to watch Friday Night Lights while we worked. At first I dreaded having to write out a dialouge for our process section, but then I realized it will really help out once we go into our placements. I'm also finished with mine and then I have to work on my lifeline project. We all can't wait until Mrs. Sutusky comes back!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sub day

Today we had a sub, Coach Cash. We read our SSR books and then we wrote our pot notes. Then we had a choice to work on our lesson plans or we could watch the movie 8 below. It was a very fun class but we missed Mrs. Sutusky really bad!

Lesson Plans

We did lesson plans yesterday, we are getting closer and closer to completing them. I feel as if we are learning how to really teach in this exercise. This in my mind is the real transition from student to teacher. We work on these for most of the class after we did our SSR time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lesson Plans

Today in class we began our lesson plans which are not as bad as i expected them to be. So far it has been going well just a little challenging with scripting out every little thing. I am beginning to feel more like a teacher , having my own lesson plans. I cannot wait to get finished with these lesson plans because then we go into our placements and that is going to be great. I am going into the first grade and it is going to be so much fun working with the little kids and helping them through school.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What's Behind the Behavior?

Today was just like every other day we started out with our 10 minutes of SSR, and then wrote our pot notes. After writing our pot notes, Mrs. Sutusky told us what we would be doing in class. We would be working in groups on a worksheet called "What's Behind the Behavior? Strategies for Common Classroom Characters." I was partnered up with Brandon, and Courtney for this assignment. For this activity we were to read a scenario that was taped to the outside of a folder. Once we read that scenario, as a group we had to discuss possible reasons for that type of behavior. After discussing with my group, we then could open up the folder and compare our answers with the worksheet provided. I really liked this activity, it let me understand the types of behaviors that may be in my placement.