Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Big Book

In Teacher Cadet today, we read for ten minutes as usual and after reading we wrote our daily pot notes to our friends in class. After writing our pot notes, we began to work on our "Big Book" project again. Today was the last day Mrs. Sutusky gave us the entire period to work on our books. My group made a lot of progress today. We wrote out our whole story and added color to the book, but we still have to add the pictures. Our book is finally coming together, and it looks a lot better than it did the other day, I can't wait until we are finished with our children's and have everything put together. It is going to be great to interact with the kids when we are reading our book to them. I can't wait to see what they think. 

Amanda coloring letter for her book

Ally coloring letters for her book
Courtney coloring letters for her book
Jill coloring "Molly"

Jill making "Molly's" bow

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